Saturday, December 19, 2015

Final Blog Assignment

Over the last eight weeks, I have had the opportunity to learn more about early childhood education around the world.  Although this class has been difficult for me, I have been able to learn much more than I had anticipated.

I have been able to study international websites, listen to podcasts, and learn from my colleagues about what is happening outside of the United States and consequently I have realized:

1. There is much that we can learn from around the world.  I had never considered that I could study about how other countries teach young children, but there is a great amount of information that I can learn from expanding my resources to outside of America.

2. Not everyone has the same amount of privileges that we do in America, in regard to early childhood care and education.  I came across research that showed that a lot of countries are not fortunate enough to have access to early childhood education because of lack of funds or lack of education.

3.  I am capable of going to other countries and lending my own knowledge and resources to help other countries understand why early childhood education is so necessary.  I believe it is important for me to volunteer my time and knowledge, because this may be difficult to do in other countries, I can start by implementing what I know in America.

A goal I have for my future in international awareness is to stay informed with what is happening outside of the country.  I often find myself living within my own bubble, but this class has helped me understand that I should be aware of what children around the world are being faced with.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

I chose to listen to a podcast with Karen Nemeth called “Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners.” It helped me learn more about the differences between English language learns and dual language learners.  English Language Learners is a program for k-12, while dual language learners is the name for children in preschool who are still working on learning English, which includes all young children.  For children who speak a language other than English in their home, teachers should honor and support this learning in the home language, while helping children learn English.  Dual language learners are very common and as a teacher it is likely to have one, or multiple, at some point in your classroom.  If a teacher does not speak the home language of a child then she can still support her student by making an effort to learn new words in that language and have the language in the classroom.  This can include having music in that language and showing all of the students that they are each important. If there are multiple languages that are spoken at home the teacher can still make an effort to connect with each child’s home language.  Nonverbal language is also important for children who are still learning English to help the teacher connect with each child.   Sign language can help because it is a visual connection that helps with all languages.  Every teacher can improve their communication skills when thinking about the individual needs of dual language learners in the classroom (Nemeth, 2015).

I was able to study UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage and found helpful information in regard to quality and financing for early childhood education around the world.  When considering early childhood education, it is important that the learning materials are quantitatively, culturally and developmentally adequate and focus on child-centered interaction.  Although these ways of teaching are the most effective, they can be difficult to implement, but are better for the children (UNESCO, 2015).

 It can be difficult to provide early childhood education when government resources are limited, and so often the last year of preschool is frequently placed in a formal school setting or there may be efforts to lower the entry age. Unfortunately this can dilute the importance of holistic development by placing too much emphasis on preparing children for formal schooling. However, when preschool cannot be afforded as part of early childhood, it is better to consider ways of improving the pedagogy of pre-primary education placed in the formal school setting (UNESCO, 2015).

The 1990 Jomtien Declaration on Education for All (EFA) stated that countries should view early childhood as part of basic education. When countries are able to see the positive effects that come from investing in early childhood education, they will understand the benefits and work to mobilize the funds. Unfortunately, government funding for early childhood is typically extremely small and so approaching the private sector (non-profit and for-profit) can be an effective strategy for countries to obtain early childhood education (UNESCO, 2015).


Daniel, J., Pica, R., & Nemeth, K. (2015). Strategies for supporting dual language learners. BAM! radio. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2015). Early childhood care and education. Retrieved from

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sharing Web Resources

NAEYC has an abundance of resources that their website has to offer that come directly from them, so I was not able to find outside links that are not affiliated with NAEYC.  I was able to more deeply focus on one of their sections that has to do with play and children's learning.  There are many links that can be followed that gives helpful information on the importance of play and how children learn through playing.  There are also sections for Common Core, family engagement, ethics, and many more that can greatly assist teachers.

NAEYC is well known for their standards on early childhood education.  Part of their website includes all of their position statements that are clearly stated to help educators and professionals in this field know what are the best practices to use when working with children.  I chose to read their position statement about where they stand in regard to early learning standards.  This position statement helped my understanding of equity and excellence in early childhood care and learning in many ways.  One part of the position statement is that early childhood learning needs to include developmentally appropriate practices.  I am a firm believer that developmentally appropriate practices should always be used in teaching young children and I feel that it is part of equity and excellence in early childhood care.