Saturday, October 31, 2015

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

The blog assignments in this class seem to be something that I will be able to use and cherish for long after.  I am always interested in learning about what is happening in the early childhood field around the world and so this assignment is something I definitely look forward to.  I have had some difficulty in finding two professionals in other countries to email back and forth with, but I am still going to keep trying and use other resources.  I also looked into the World Forum Foundation and listened to a few of the podcasts.  If the need arises for me to do the alternative assignment I feel that there are many great things that I can learn from the podcasts.

The website that I will be exploring more deeply throughout this course is NAEYC, or the National Association for the Education of Young Children.  The reason I chose this website is because I have always appreciated the things they stand for, in regard to young children.  They are very resourceful and I oftentimes find myself using their principles in my work and studying of children.  I have been a member of NAEYC since I was in the final semesters of my Bachelor's degree, but I have struggled with using all of the resources to my benefit.  The NAEYC website shares what the organization is about:
          "The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional                 membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young                     children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.                   We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for,                     educate, and work on behalf of young children."

What I appreciate most about NAEYC, is that they work to promote high-quality early learning for all young children.  For me, that is the goal that I strive for in working with young children.  I want every child to have the opportunity to receive high-quality education and I believe it is through working hard, being an example, and especially being an advocate that makes this truly possible.  I look forward to learning more about this website and connecting with other professionals in this field.


National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2015). About NAEYC.
Retrieved from

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My Supports

I feel I have been blessed with so many supports throughout my life.  Some of the daily supports that I have are my incredibly talented parents who can create nearly anything.  My husband is a great support and is very handy which means we are able to save a lot of money.  My parents and husband also provide me with great emotional support and encourage me to do whatever I set my mind to.  My brother and sisters are always willing to provide time to help me with what is needed.  I have a very flexible job which I believe to be a great support.  My husband and I live very close to all of my family members which is a support because they are always close if I need them.

The challenge that I chose to imagine was opening my own preschool from home because it is something that I have often considered.  The supports that I have in my life would be an enormous help to me in opening a preschool.  I know that I would have my parents to help me with anything I would want to make or create for the preschool.  They are very creative and imaginative which would be such a help for me.  They would also be close to help me if anything was needed quickly or if I needed to have a babysitter in the future.  My husband would be there to handle any of the play structures and would be great at fixing anything.  He would also support me in making the decision to have a preschool in our home.  My current job has the flexibility for me to continue working for them, while still opening a preschool which would be a great support if my family needed extra funds.  My family would all be very supportive and encouraging of my decision and I know that I wouldn't be alone if I did this.  I would never feel comfortable starting my own preschool without all of the supports that I currently have.
 I really like this quote, because it can relate to a lot of things on my life - dancing, taking chances etc: