Saturday, January 23, 2016

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

If I had the means and knowledge to conduct research on any topic in the early childhood field I would want to study autism and find out the cause and what can be done to help children who have it. There are many theories and beliefs that exist, but it still leaves families feeling so uncertain about why their child has it.  There are cases where one day the child is typical in their development and social interactions and the next day they wake up different.  There are also children who just seem to be born with autism.  There are parents who blame themselves and parents who blame outside factors.  Because autism is a spectrum disorder the variety that autism has is almost too big to comprehend.  Some children speak more than what is considered acceptable and some children can't even speak one word.  There are so many ways a child has the possibility of being labeled with autism--how can that be for just one disorder?

Being able to find these answers, as well as the answers to many more questions that exist about autism would be very beneficial.  It can be difficult for a child with autism to fit in or feel comfortable and it can also be difficult to know what is best for each child who has it.  Having this knowledge would be able to make a difference in how children are viewed and can spread awareness of the best possible ways to help them.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Personal Research Journey

After a lot of contemplation of what I was truly passionate about, I came to the conclusion that my passions in this field are the strongest for developmentally appropriate practices.  I have seen how using developmentally appropriate practices strengthens a child's experience in the classroom because it is geared to each of their needs.  Although it takes much more time and dedication from the teacher, using developmentally appropriate practices is necessary for providing children with the best possible outcomes.

I am interested in researching the effects that developmentally appropriate practices have on children versus the effects that Common Core has on children.  Using Common Core requires little work from the teacher and takes away the need of getting to know each of their students.  I look forward to being able to study the different ways that these techniques play a role in children's school experience.  I am hoping to be able to find the necessary information to help me with my research and I look forward to learning more about each of the subjects.

From what I have read, my classmates have chosen interesting topics that I am excited to learn more about.  Research is an important aspect in this field and I know that I will be able to gain experiences in this course that will help me throughout my educational and professional career.