1. My mom: There is no one else in the world who supports me as much as my mom. As a child, she encouraged and supported me through everything I did growing up. She has constantly shown me so much love and has made me feel special. I know that because my mom nurtured and cared for me as a child, I have become a much more confident and happy person. She has never given up on me and we are still best friends today.
2. My dad: I have always had a close relationship with my dad and I know it is because he has never failed to love and support me. My dad has always shown that he cares about me. Even through the difficult phases in my life he was able to discipline me through love. I am grateful for all that my dad does for me and our relationship has only continued to grow over the years.
3. My grandpa: I have been so blessed to have all of my grandparents live very close to me. I was very involved in multiple activities growing up. I was privileged to always have all four of my grandparents support me in everything. My grandpa is very special to me and has taught me so much. He has so much love for me and has never neglected to show me that. He has helped me grow and develop to who I am and still continues to support me in all that I do.
4. My grandma: As a child, I was able to spend a lot of time at my mom's parents house and that helped us have a very close relationship. My grandma has shown so much love for me and has helped me feel special throughout my life. I am so grateful that she has supported me in all that I have done and although her love was never overbearing, I never doubted her love for me. My grandma continues to support me. Although her age sometimes makes things difficult for her, she is still always there for me.
5. My sister: I have a sister quite a bit older than me and so I was very young when she went to college. I looked up to her more than anything as a child and loved when I got to be with her. She made me feel special because although she didn't always want me to be around, she was so great about letting me spend time with her and her friends. She is one of my best friends now and she still makes me feel so happy to be with her.